
His Hands for Guatemala 

We are a sponsorship program that pairs sponsors, people like you, with needy schools in Guatemala.  When a teacher/class is sponsored for $35 per month through His Hands for Guatemala their classroom will receive:

  • A teacher that knows they are well supported in the work that they do every day in areas that are sometimes hard to reach.
  • A teacher that is modeling God’s love to their students.
  • A free education that is focused on the needs of their students.  

His Hands for Guatemala works alongside our Guatemalan partner, Pastor Merari Rodriguez in San Lucas, Sacatepéquez.  His church, Iglesia Evangelica Galilea in San Lucas, Sacatepéquez is reaching out into various communities to help bring hope to the children of Guatemala through sponsorship. The schools and their teachers, a part of their outreach ministries, help educate the children and show them the love of Jesus.  His Hands for Guatemala gives them further opportunity to do this.  This is all done to fulfill our goal as a ministry, which is:

"to support and encourage the work of our brothers and sisters in Christ in the country of Guatemala and to support the ministries of their churches, giving special emphasis to helping with the ministries of their school programs. We strive to demonstrate the love of Christ through works of service to these churches as well as to other Christian missions and missionaries in the country of Guatemala as we have opportunity - to be God's "hands and feet" and His servants to His children in Guatemala."

100% of your sponsorship payment goes toward meeting these needs of the schools - none of it goes toward the administrative expenses of this program here in the United States.  

Why Guatemala? Why should we help? 

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

Guatemala is still suffering from poverty and violence left over from their bloody civil war which ended in 1996, leaving nearly 300,000 people dead. 56% of the population lives in severe poverty and 50% of the children suffer from chronic malnutrition. Over 7% of Guatemalan children will die before their 5th birthday. Just a little over half the children in Guatemala attend school.




His Hands for Guatemala has partnered with Pastor Merari Rodriguez of Iglesia Evangelica Galilea in San Lucas, Sacatepequez to help bring help and hope to the children of Guatemala through sponsorship. Working with Pastor Esdras Dionicio of El Membrillal, Pastor Merari and his wife, Lucky, have established the Fuente de Esperanza (Source of Hope) school programs in the small colony of El Membrillal as well as Zapote in the mountains of Guatemala.

For a monthly fee of just $35.00 you can sponsor a teacher. Your sponsorship will help them to continue to work in the community where they serve and help change the lives of the students that they work with every day!


For more information, please visit our Sponsorship page or contact us.