
His Hands for Myanmar Child Sponsorship Program

His Hands for Myanmar works alongside our Burmese partners who are the directors of a children's home.  Their goal is to mentor all the children in the home spiritually, morally, and educationally so they can become the next generation of productive citizens making a positive impact on their country.  His Hands for Myanmar is working in partnership with them as a way to fulfill our goal as a ministry, which is:

"to support and encourage the work of our brothers and sisters in Christ in the country of Myanmar and to support their outreach ministries, giving special emphasis to their orphanages and in supporting orphans and other vulnerable children to enable them to attend school. We strive to demonstrate the love of Christ through works of service to these ministries as well as to other Christian missions and missionaries in the country of Myanmar as we have opportunity - to be God's "hands and feet” and His servants to His children in Myanmar."

Why Myanmar?  Why should we help?

"You lift the poor and homeless out of the garbage dump and give them places of honor in royal palaces.  You set the world on foundations, and they belong to you. " - 1 Samuel 2:8 CEV

Myanmar, which is also known by its former name of Burma, is located in Southeast Asia, bordering Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, and Thailand.  Myanmar ranks as one of the poorest nations in Asia.  One quarter of the population in Myanmar lives in poverty and as a result over 35% of children in Myanmar suffer from stunted growth due to chronic malnutrition and 8% of children are acutely malnourished.  School life expectancy of Burmese children is only through the 8th grade and only half of school aged children will complete their primary education.  Many children are forced to leave school and go to work to help support their family.  As a result of these and other factors, 7% of Myanmar’s children will not live to see their 5th birthday.

 In June of 2017, His Hands for Myanmar partnered with a children's home in Myanmar to help bring in the much-needed support to help cover both the living expenses and the school expenses of the 30+ children living in the home.  For a small monthly sponsorship fee of $25 you can help an at-risk child with their living expenses or with their school expenses and help change their life! 

To make a donation to the children's home in Myanmar, please visit our Donate page.


Please note - For security reasons, specific locations and individuals’ names will not be mentioned on this website.  Children listed for sponsorship consideration will be listed by number only on this website.