
Pig Project

Please note: The Pig Project is currently on hold due to the conflict and instability in the eastern D.R. Congo.

Pastor Stephen Bamuleke's wife, Siriaka, has started a project to provide pigs to women in crisis.

(left) Siriaka (wearing a blue dress) with one of the women who has received the gift of a pig.


Some are young women with children, some are mothers with many children who have no way to provide for their needs, and some are older widows, but all are in difficult situations and in need of help to provide for themselves and their families.



  Each woman who receives a piglet is required to give away 3 piglets from her pig's first litter. The first piglet is given back to the Pig Project so it can be given to another woman in crisis. The other two piglets are to be given to two other women in their own community who are also in need.

These pigs can produce 3 to 4 litters each year with as many as 10 piglets in a litter. Selling these piglets can enable a woman to earn enough money to pay for her children's school fees or provide food and other basic necessities for her family. In time, some of the offspring of the original pig a woman receives can provide meat for her family. 





Depending on the individual circumstances of each woman in need and her family, a goat or a rooster and 5 hens may be a better fit so these animals are also a part of the Pig Project and are given to women whose needs would be better served by owning these animals. 

The cost of one piglet, goat or a rooster and 5 hens is just $40.00. By donating $40.00 you can truly save the life of a woman and her family by enabling her to be able to provide for her own needs and the needs of her children. Your gift will also be passed on to at least 3 other women once the original animals produce their first litter!


Won't you reach out and help an African woman in need?  100% of your donation will be sent to Africa for the purchase of one piglet (or goat or chickens) for a woman in crisis.  For more information or to make a donation (which will be sent in the future when the area stabilizes), please visit our Donate page.