
Cristo Centro Churches - San Pedro Sula area

The goal of each of the following feeding programs is to meet the needs of the children/seniors in 4 key areas of development: physical, intellectual, social/emotional and spiritual. 

CCZK CommunityPastors Gregorio and Francisca
Cristo Centro Zolano Church

The Cristo Centro Zolano Kids & Adults sponsorship program was started because children and seniors were hungry and needed to eat more consistently.  Now they also get to hear about Jesus with their friends and children have more opportunities for a better education!  More sponsors are needed.  Can you help?

CCPK CommunityPastors Mario and Vilma
Cristo Centro Penasquitos Church       
Cristo Centro Penasquitos Kids & Adults sponsorship program began when Pastor Mario heard that he might be able to assist his community in the same way that the Zolano area was being helped.  The two communities are about 15 minutes away from each other.  More sponsors are needed.  Can you help?
CCRA CommunityPastors Julio and Angela
Cristo Centro Rio Blanco Church       
Cristo Centro Rio Blanco Adult sponsorship program was started because so many seniors were not able to work to earn a living and their adult children had a hard enough time earning a living for their own families.  Sponsored seniors take food home for the month.  The kids program was started this year in 2024 in an effort to help with education expenses to those same families in an effort to break the cycle of poverty! More sponsors are needed.  Can you help?
Cristo Centro La Lima Church
Cristo Centro La Lima Kids sponsorship program began June 2024.  As the other Cristo Centro churches who have paved the way before him, Pastor Jose and his wife Pastor Yesica hopes that they might be able to assist their community in the same way as the others.  An after school program that supports the child's education as well as giving them a balanced meal.  Will you consider sponsoring a child in this community?

To learn more about how to sponsor a child/senior, please visit our Sponsorship page. To view photos and information of children/seniors who are waiting for a sponsor, please visit our Children & Seniors in Need page.  Will you help a Honduran child/senior today?